Considered scratching, but completed

Written by: Ingunn Vistnes
Date: 13.03.2004 15:29

Kjell Brennodden completed once again. In his perhaps toughest race ever, the 55-year old musher completed the race in style and passed the finish line to loud cheers from his numerous supporters. Kjell Brennodden of Folldal, South Trøndelag, have done the Finnmarksløpet Race six times earlier, but it has never been tougher than this year. - I've probably lost a couple of kilos, which is not too bad, he joked.

- The race has had its ups and downs you might say. I've probably lost a couple of kilos, which is not too bad, he adds jokingly. Then again, he admits that the journey has been extremely strenuous.

- The leg from Polmak to Levajok was horrible. None of my dogs wanted to walk first in the heavy snow, so I had to walk some 10 km ahead of the team. I really considered scratching at that point, and had to take a long rest at Levajok, he says.

His sled was also severely damaged on his way to Levajok, and his many handlers had their hands full trying to put together his brand new second sled. Luckily this worked well.

- The sled was excellent, but I've probably ruined the runners completely. Still, I'm glad I didn't use it down the worst screes. It would have broken it completely.

After the long rest, Kjell and his dogs were back making good speed. In fact, he was fastest on the leg to Skoganvarre, and kept high speed also on his way to Alta.

Afraid of being disqualified

At the finish line, it was time for checking the mandatory equipment in the sled. Knowing where the stove, compass and dog socks are after being a week on the trail proved not to be the easiest. A joking, but also nervous Brennodden searched his pockets of various jackets and parkas to find all the mandatory equipment. In the worst case, lacking equipment can lead to disqualification. Fortunately everything was in place, so Kjell Brennodden completed also this year's Finnmarksløpet Race.

PS: Kjell Brennodden has the largest group of handlers in the Finnmarksløpet Race. A busload of young people from Frankmotunet follows Brennodden every year and keeps the spirits high at the checkpoints.

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