FL-1000: Trail changes in Karasjok

Written by: Elisabeth Bergquist
Date: 09.03.2015 13:51

Race Marshall Rita Hallvig reports of changes made to the trail that the mushers in FL-1000 follow when arriving at and leaving check point Karasjok later in the week.

Race Marshall Rita Hallvig before start in Alta Saturday morning. 
Photo: Elisabeth Bergquist

Checkpoint faciliator Tormod Svineng at cp Karasjok explains more in detail: - The trail has been altered. The teams from FL-1000 shall go in to the check point where the FL-500 teams went out. When the FL-1000 teams leave the check point, they will go approximately the same way out again, but with a new trail around the new annex of the Sami Parliament, and then down to the river.

Image: Overview over the new layout when entering and leaving cp Karasjok in the FL-1000 race.

The changes will, of course, be clearly marked on-site and the teams should not have any problems following the correct trail.