FL-1000: Waiting with the long rest

Written by: Niels Westphal
Photo: Dmitry Sharomov & Mads Suhr Pettersen
Date: 09.03.2015 09:28

Hardly any mushers have taken the 16-hour mandatory rest in Tana; instead they keep going east after 4-5 hours at check point Tana Bru.

During the last years, the FL-1000 musher group has been split in terms of where they've taken the 16-hour long mandatory rest. Some have taken it at Tana Bru, others at Neiden 1. Only a very few have waited longer than that.

Ralph Johannessen moving across the plateau. Photo: Mads Suhr Pettersen

So far this year, even fewer have chosen to take their long rest in Tana. Ouf of the first ten teams arriving at the check point last night, only Yngve Fagerli decided to take out his 16-hour mandatory rest behind the hotel in Tana bru. The others have moved on after 4-5 hours of rest.  

Longer trail

Most likely, the majority of the mushers who have moved on will take their long rest in Neiden. Once in a while, a few mushers have attempted waiting until Kirkenes before resting. It has rarely proven successful. But it might be that someone will try it again

The trail has been altered after Kirkenes, and it has been extended with 50-60 km. Also, the new check point Ellentjern has been added in the Pasvik area. The mushers must take this into account when planning their race, and it may influence where they choose to take out their 16-hour rest.

Ronny Frydenlund has arrived at Neiden 1, and we will have the first answers soon.

Kristian Walseth heading east. Photo: Dmitry Sharomov