FL-1000: Inferno for Dahl

Written by: Vemund Sveen Finstad/Transl. Elisabeth Bergquist
Photo: Alexandra Nemeth
Date: 09.03.2014 06:29

Can you tell us about this leg, Roger?

- This leg was awful. I have been mushing since '93 and I cannot remember having experienced such bad weather ever before. We ended up in the forest, where we could see the trees, and made an attempt at camping there. It was impossible to move outside of the forest. We tried two rounds with the GPS, but had to surrender in the end and return to the camp site. We lost complete track of the trail and it was impossible to mush on, he explains.

So what does the race look like now?

-It's still a long way to go. For those of us who slept out in the wild, the three hours of rest at Skoganvarre will be hopeless. There is a 12-hour gap up to the lead pack, and it is nearly impossible to catch up with them. But we'll do what we can.

CAUGHT IN THE STORM: Roger Dahl had a demanding night out, far off trail and away from people. Photo: Alexandra Nemeth