Last man towards end

Thomas Andresen fra Brandbu er på vei ned til Alta. Han har hatt en del problemer den siste timen med å få hundene i opp i marsjfart. Nå meldes det imidlertid at han er i siget. Han ventes i mål ca kl 14:00 hvis han nå klarer å holde farten i spannet.

Written by: Hanne Rosenberg/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Date: 19.03.2011 12:53

Thomas Andresen from Brandbu is on his way down to Alta. he has had some problems getting the dogs to go ahead lately, but no reports say that he is moving. He is expected to cross the finish line at approx 14:00 o'clok if he is able to keep his dogs going. The photo is from the start one week ago when the tempo of his team was full speed forward. The speed when he arrives today is most likely a bit dfferent.