FL1000: Six teams in this morning

Etter at pressevakta tok kvelden i går, har ytterligere seks spann kommet til mål i Alta. Blant dem Tove Sørensen og Tore Albrigtsen som passerte mållinja sammen – som de alltid gjør, presis kl 06:00 i dag tidlig. Dermed er det fire spann igjen ute i FL1000-løypa.

Written by: Dag B. Urdal/S.M. Arctander (transl.)
Date: 20.03.2010 06:30

After the press office turned in last night, six teams finished in Alta. Among them you find Tove Sørensen and Tore Albrigtsen who crossed the line together – as always, 06:00 sharp. Now there are four more teams out there.  

They were in a very good mood – as always, the veteran couple Sørensen/Albrigtsen from Tromsø when they arrived in Alta. Crossing the finishing line marked at the same time their 15-years-aniversity as participants in Finnmarksløpet. – The journey around Finmark this time was fantastic, Tove explained. – But it was extremely cold. Some places this morning, it felt as if it was way below 40 degrees. It was so cold it was impossible to rest on the trail. The dogs had to be kept moving in order to keep them warm. – The cold, the hardship, it is all worth it, Tore comments with a smile, before they both went on to catch up on some sleep.  

There are four more teams out there now, four heroes – as it was rightly pointed out on our guest book this morning. There are no losers, only winners! Marianne Dahlen from Tana is the next musher expected in, at about three pm today. After her the next three will arrive, being Wolfram Schumacher from Bayern in Germany; Isabelle Travadon from Le Plan de la Tour in France – and not least, Kristine Jerijærvi from Sandnes in Sør-Varanger. They are expected in sometime Sunday morning.

See moore details here ...
Some pictures from last night.

Mona Kolstad  17:26
Steinar Kristensen kl 21:19
Per Weddegjerde 01:51
Espen Prestbakmo kl 01:58