First three mushers left Neiden II

Written by: Kari Bjørkli Thomassen;Translated by Saija Mikkilä
Date: 12.03.2008 07:52

At 05.00, 05.36 and 06.51 drove Stein Håvard Fjestad, Harald Tunheim and Trond Ørslien from Neiden II. According to Svein Åge Jakobsen, Fjestad's handler, the start looked good for the first men out.

- One of the dogs jumped about 1/2 meter up in the air and got the rest of the team going. Just after 50 meters on the trail they stopped and it could have seen as trouble. But Fjestad had stopped to chat and praise the dogs. Then they carried along with a great drive.

GPS's are out of range at the moment. So it is difficult to see where the teams are right now.