Written by: Sabine Prabucki /Johanna Kulessa
Date: 07.03.2005 18:36
The Mattilsynet appeared in Levajok and and gave jugement: The Italians have to quit! The TV-star Paolo Giani (picture) curses.
The TV-star Paolo Trabucchi from RAI TV cursed the Mattilsynet and the organizer of the race. The Italiens had to prove that their dogs got the required treatment within a special-time limit. They did not manage to do so and therefore have to quit the race. The TV-star says that this matter will have economic consequences and that someone will have to pay for that.
"RAI investet a lot f time and money to come to Finnmark and to accompany the two Italian mushers on the race. We will engage the lawyer as well as the police to stop the race" says Paolo Trabucchi who is in Levajok at present to make a TV documentary.