Skrevet av: Stefan Sanne
Dato: 06.03.2005 20:15
Katy Meier was the first to get to the checkpoint at 17:18. This means that the for Sweden starting musher needed about 5 hours to cover the distance. The next team followed about 25 minutes back.
Katy Meier seems to be using the sam strategy as last year. She was the first to get into Skoganvarre back then, but later on she had to give in and eventually she scratched. At the moment it is still quite early in the race and there have only been about 113 km covered. But there is no doubt that Katy has a very fast team again.
-The dogs seem to be in good shape. Everything went absolutely painless, smiles Katy while feeding her dogs. She had no trouble durig the first stages.
- I will be resting about 5 hours and then go on.
Katy is followed by Hilde Askildt from Geilo. She arrived at 17:40 and therefore we have two women leading the race.
- Everything seems to be going well, but I was a little bit worried about one of the dogs, since he did not eat that much during the last couple of days. But now he is eating, adds Askildt who made a very good impression last year durig her debut at Finnmarksløpet. She plans to be leaving around 8 p.m. towards Levajok.