Hoffmann stopped by Mattilsynet

Written by: Ingrid Pedersen/Stefan Sanne
Date: 06.03.2005 03:12

The German Musher Thomas Hoffmann was forced by the norwegian Mattilsynet to quit this years Finnmarksløpet. The problem was that Hoffmann did not have the confirmation of a norwegian veterinarian, that confirmed the treatment against a worm that does not yet exist in Norway.

Hoffmann did not have the confirmation of a norwegian veterinarian that he treated his dogs against a parasit not yet existing in Norway. The confirmation of the German veterinarian was not accepted. This parasite is very dangerous for humans. Hoffmann was therefore forced to quit Finnmarksløpet at Skoganvarre.

Many of the international mushers can suffer the same fate tomorrow. This problem can affect German, Italian, Swiss and Spanish mushers.

Marit Wasmuth Foto: Torbjørn Møller

Dangerous to humans

The rules for the import of dogs from EU countries state that you need to treat the dog max 10 days before coming to Norway as well as within 7 days afterwards against the parasite ekinokkkose. This treatment is targeted against a parasite not yet existing in Norway.

-These parasites use humans and mice as hosts. The parasite is very dangerous to humas and will result in small cysts, that are hard to discover before it is too late. If humans are smitted of this parasite the chances to survive are quite small, says førsteinspektør Marit Wasmuth of the district office in West Finnmark of Mattilsynet.

According to Wasmuth the check showed that most of the foreign mushers do not have their documents in order. There have not yet been checks on more teams. The Mattilsynet works intensely with this case and will publish on Sunday which teams will be allowed to continue.

-Some of the mushers have good and plausible explanations, that the treatment has actually been given, but without the necessary documentation. We evaluate every individual case and decide which team can continue and which team will have to leave the country, Wasmuth explains.

Very sad

The head of the vet team confirms that Hoffmann had to quit.

- I am really sorry for the situation that Thomas has ended up in. We are talking about a lot of time, energy and money. But it is the responsibility of the musher to have his documents in order. I really hope that Thomas will come back next year to take revenge, says Marit Holm.