Skrevet av: Niels Westphal/Anne-Mette Bjøru
Dato: 05.03.2005 18:40
Last week's heavy snowfall in Finnmark has done wonders for the trails of this years' Finnmarksløp. The trail-managers in the West, in Tana and in Eastern Finnmark report about enough snow and good conditions everywhere.
The trail goes close to the Barents Sea in the Eastern part of Finnmark. It rarely snows in this area and if it happens the snow is often blown away by the wind from the ocean. However, now the condidtions are good, trail-manager Egil Isaksen reports.
- We've had some snow the past few days and it is still snowing, so it looks good, he says.
However, the snow during the past few days was needed. Egil and his team were considering whether they had to start shoveling snow on parts of the trail.
- There was very little snow between Karlebotn and Neiden and we had to remove rocks in certain places. The recent snow helps alot, he says. He also says that the much discussed leg between Neiden and Kirkenes which created trouble last year due to excessive melting, is shorter and easier this year. This leg is exactly 124 km this year, Egil says.
Krister Høk is in charge of all trails in the Tana area. This area also had very litte snow until one week ago, and many new turns were added to the trail between Levajok and Shippagurra due to lack of snow and rocks. But several days with heavy snow has made given better conditions.
- We have managed to make a better trail. Initially we had little snow, but now we got 30-40 cm of fresh snow so the conditions are much better, he says.
It has snowed heavily in the West since before the weekend, and there is enough snow in all areas. Trail-manager Reidar Pettersen promises good conditions the whole way.
- However, if we experience strong winds and snow, the mushers must handle tough winterconditions, Reidar claims. He also reports big changes to the trails in certain places.
- We have changed the trail path in two places. The last 20 km from Skoganvarre to Levajok is not along the Levajok valley as before because the river-ice is not safe. With the help and advice from local people the trail is moved west of this valley instead.
For years there has been a problem with the road-crossing at Assebakte west of Karasjok. This is now bygones as the road is now passed by crossing underneath the bridge at Gevisjokka. Then the trail follows the valley a few kilometers before it again connects with the main trail.
Besides - to many people's pleasure - I can inform you that the ice on the trail coming down to Øvrevannet by Skoganvarre which has caused problems for many every year, is gone. This year it is flat and nice, Reidar Pettersen says.