Written by: Niels Westphal/Julia Meyer
Date: 05.03.2005 18:15
Last year Trond Ørlien had a great race. He finished in fourth position. He wanted to continue his success this year, but he is not able to start. However he wants to take part at Finnmarksløpet and now he works as an expert for the this Webpage. Tomorrow you can read more about his favourites for this years' race.
Last Finnmarksløp was a full success for Trond Ørlien. A good race and a solid final spurt after 1.000 challanging kilometres let him come in fourth. This year the 30 years old man from Gausdal also wanted to drive a good race. He had to give up his plans because some of his dogs are injured.
Tronds comment: "I would have finished the race also with my other dogs, but I will not have a good feeling. Some of my most important dogs are hurt and without them I have the possibility to reach the finishing line as one of the best mushers. After a good deal of thought, I decided not to start."
Trond will observe the race and give some estimtes about dogs, musher, strategy and the other factors which have influence on the final result.