It’s in the Genes!

Written by: Stig-Martin Arctander
Date: 17.12.2004 22:09

Nina Prebensen and Per Aronsen are two of AS Finnmarksløpet’s owners. On Monday 13th December they participated in the first leader meeting prior to the 25th anniversary race in Mars. Here they met long standing and new volunteers, with great enthusiasm and care for the race. Per Aronsen was both surprised and happy with what he saw: "These people has got in their genes to produce the race". Both Per and Nina agreed that the Finnmarksløpet has come far, both in age and as an institution.

This is the first time both for Nina and Per to participate in a meeting for volunteers, but the response indicates we will see them again. They especially noticed the eagerness, the diversity and proficiency among the volunteers. Per thought it would be useful for them to have seen this when looking for sponsors for the race, and Nina added that they wanted a closer contact with the volunteers and a two way evaluation of the job done with Finnmarkslopet.

As a part of the owners they have the responsibility for the economical parts. Finnmarkslopet is a good product to sell, Per thinks. We are proud of it! Finnmarkslopet is like a festival which gives identity to the population of Finnmark. The fact that the web has 2000 hit per day, and 4,3 millions annually, just adds to the fun.