Written by: Trond Anton Andersen
Date: 05.01.2018 10:45
In 2018, the start will be split over two days.
All starts and all finishes take place in Markedsgata in Alta.
HIGH FIVES: A lot of high fives is given during the start of Finnmarksløpet. This is Morten Wiggen and his team. Photo: Rikke Masternes.
Thursday March 8th
19:00 – 19:30 Opening ceremony for the Borealis festival, downtown Alta/Markedsgata. Entrants for FL-2018 wil be presented at the end of the show
20:00 - 22:00 SpareBank 1 Nord-Norges startbankett, Scandic Hotel Alta. Tickets will be sold in service tent next to start area from Wednesday March 7th at 12:00.
Friday March 9th
12:00 - 14:00 Showrace for FL-500. Start and finish in Alta City centre. 7 km route with a limited dog team and happy passangers in the sled.
START OF FINNMARKSLØPET 1200 Downtown Alta/Markedsgata
18:30 – 18:45 "Waiting Entertainment"
18:45 – 19:00 Official opening of Finnmarksløpet 2018
19:00 – 20:30 Start of the FL-1200 class. The teams start with two minutes of interval.
20:30 - 00:00 FESTIVAL. Alta invites you to a winter party with nice food, drinks and music. Downtown Alta/Markedsgata
Saturday March 10th
START OF FINNMARKSLØPET junior and 500 Downtown Alta/Markedsgata
12:30 – 13:00 "Waiting Entertainment"
13:00 – 14:30 Start of FL-junior and FL-500. The teams start with one minute of interval. Start order FL-junior - FL-500
Sunday March 11th
13:00 - 20:00 Teams in FL-junior class will cross the finish line. Downtown Alta/Markedsgata.
Monday March 12th
11:00 – 11:30 WINNER CEREMONY FOR THE FL-JUNIOR CLASS. Downtown Alta/Markedsgata.
Tuesday March 13th
03:00 - all day. Teams in FL-500 class will cross the finish line. Downtown Alta/Markedsgata.
Wednesday March 14th
All day. Teams in FL-500 class will cross the finish line. Downtown Alta/Markedsgata.
16:00 – 17:00 WINNER CEREMONY FOR FL-500. Downtown Alta/Markedsgata
19:00 – 22:00 Scandic Hotel Altas FL-500 Banquet. Scandic Hotel Alta
Tickets will be sold in service tent next to start area from Wednesday March 7th at 12:00.
Friday March 16th
01:00 -12:00 Winner of FL-1200 crosses the finish line. Alta City centre. Show with artist from Scene Finnmark in between the first teams.
Rest of the day. Teams in the FL-1200 class crosses the finish line. Downtown Alta/Markedsgata.
Saturday March 17th
All day long. Teams in the FL-1200 class crosses the finish line. Downtown Alta/Markedsgata
12:00 – 13:00 WINNER CEREMONY FOR OPEN CLASS – FL-1200, Downtown Alta/Markedsgata.
19:00 – 24:00 CLOSING BANQUET - Scandic Hotel Alta. Banquet for all participants in Finnmarksløpet; mushers, volunteers, handlers, media, guests, sponsors, audience and others.
Tickets will be sold in service tent next to start area from Wednesday March 7th at 12:00.
We are looking forward to seeing dogs, participants, handlers and audiences gathered for the festival in Finnmark in March. Welcome.