Skrevet av: Elisabeth Bergquist/Trine Kvidal-Røvik
Dato: 17.03.2017 23:51
Kristoffer Halvorsen arrived to Alta at 11:28 p.m. and thus became sixth in this year’s FL-1000. He thus became Rookie of the Year.
When he crossed the finish line, he was not aware that he had made Rookie of the Year, but said that he had had a great trip.
Kristoffer Halvorsen after the finish. He was happy to learn that he was this year’s Rookie of the Year. (Photo: Steinar Vik)
Throughout the race, Halvorsen has made himself known as a competitor who helps his competitors if they have problems. Early on he gave silver medalist Marit Kasin a ride when she lost her team. When the storm was raging between Sirbma and Levajok, he contributed so that several competitors finally decided to head out in the storm – and they all made it to Levajok.
Halvorsen started his musher careere only six-seven years ago and has since spent the time well until he started in this year’s FL-1000. Together with partner Birgitte Næss he lives in Synnfjell and trains the couple’s dogs.