Changes for Finnmarksløpet 2017

Written by: Trond Anton Andersen
Date: 10.08.2016 14:28

We‘ll be posting information about changes for Finnmarksløpet 2017 in the article below.

Entry fee

The entry fee will be increased for FL-2017, this will concern the FL-500 and FL-1000 class. The entry fee has been unchanged for three years and will be increased due to higher arrangement expenses.

These are the new rates

FL-junior = 2500 NOK including pre race check
FL-500 = 6000 NOK including pre race check
FL-1000 = 12 000 NOK including pre race check

Pre race check can also be carried out prior to arrival Alta but no earlier than 27 February 2017. The deductible for performing PRC before arrival Alta is not refundable.

Mandatory rest in FL-500

Starting with FL-2017, the three hour mandatory rest + time alignment at checkpoint Jergul is gone. From 2017, there will be a two hour mandatory rest + time alignment at checkpoint Joatka 1.
The overall rest pot will still be 22 hours for FL-500.

Change of checkpoint for FL-1000

Based on an overall assessment, the Sport Committee of Finnmarksløpet has decided to move wilderness checkpoint south of Pasvikdalen from Ellentjern to Øvre-Pasvik Camping for the 1000 class.

The checkpoint will, as the checkpoint on Ellentjern, be a single checkpoint without depot and support from handlers. The new checkpoint is located just a few kilometres from Ellentjern that were used in 2015 and 2016.

Participants have access to water and straw and the opportunity to purchase hot meal.
It will not be an opportunity for participants to rent separate cabin at the campsite. Finnmarksløpet will dispose all cabins, some of these will be available to participants.
Participants have the opportunity to leave their dogs at the checkpoint, which will be transported to the next checkpoint by the crew of Finnmarksløpets.
Public and the press have only limited access to the checkpoint and there will be no sound system.



Kennel cough vaccine FL-2017

The Sport Committee of Finnmarksløpet has decided that all dogs that are participating or undergo PreRace check in order to participate in Finnmarksløpet in 2017 and coming years must have a valid intranasal kennel cough vaccine.

Vaccine validity is determined by the manufacturer of the product approval and possibly Medicines Agency in the country where the vaccine is administered. This also applies to dogs that will participate in the show race.

Chief veterinarian recommends that vaccination of sled dogs set during the summer when the dogs are off training. This is because it can be expected a better immune response in the quiet period.


Arild Magnus Jøssund Chief Veterinarian

Mail to Chief Veterinarian


This article will be updated up to signup start September 15th