Skrevet av: Arne Oddvar Nilsen
Dato: 14.08.2004 18:59
Some sections in the eastern part of the 2004 trail met some complaints at the evaluation meeting after the 2004 run, and will therefore be changed for the 2005 race.
For the stretch from Neiden I to Kirkens the information about the length of the trail between those two checkpoints last year was wrong. Almost every musher got problems with a much longer stretch than expected - either from lack of dog food or from resting too little. The consequence is that this year this section is shortened.
The section of the 2004 trail from Neiden II to Polmak on the homeward run had some very risky stretches. This year the trail from Neiden II is altered and goes back to Skippagurra II along the same trail as on the outward run - and further on the Tana river to Hillagurra (20 km ca.) and then inland to the next checkpoint Sirbma.
More details on the new trail between Neiden I and Kirkenes and eventually other changes will be found on the “Trail info”.