This happened during the night

Written by: Niels Westphal/Rikke Masternes
Date: 07.03.2016 08:16

During the night the lead arrived at Levajok. Niklas Rogne is still number one, but the rest are breathing up his neck. The time difference between the five leading mushers is under an hour, and every one of these teams rested between three to five hours in Karasjok yesterday. 
And best pace, among top ten, is Elisabeth Edland. Look out for the veteran from Nannestad.

There are only three scratched teams so far in FL-500. At the rear we find Petri P.P. Kärenlampi who is currently on his way to Karasjok, where he will find six other teams resting.

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After four to five hours of rest in Tana, half of the competitors are now on their way to Neiden 1. Among top ten to Tana bru last night, are Petter Jahnsen, Christian Høy Knudsen and Arnt Ola Skjerve still left in Tana where they are doing the mandatory 16-hour stop. It is possible that most of the mushers will do this stop at Neiden 1. 
During sunday three mushers scratched. They are Ole Wingren, Mel Andrews and Bjørnar Andersen. At the rear you find Wolfgang Simon Nilsen (photo), who are now heading for Tana Bru.
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