Written by: Niels Westphal
Date: 02.03.2016 18:37
Mushers meeting for FL-1000 is moved to Campus Alta - The University. The meeting will be held in room 1042 - The auditorium close to the first entrance at the Campus. Se map here. Mandatory for Musher and one handler. Space are limited, so please do not bring your whole team.
Also Mushers meeting for FL-500 will be held at the Campus, in Kultursalen. Use the second entrance to the Campus. Se map here
Both meetings start at 16.00
After the meetings all Mushers will walk to the Opening Ceremony in the City Centre, starting 18.30. Both the meetings and the Cermony, are mandadatory for all Mushers.
Mushers may use the parking outside Campus Alta during the meetings and Opening Ceremony, but please remember to move you car afterwords.