Skrevet av: Fredrik Ljone Holst
Dato: 12.03.2015 12:24
- There was a lake up here where the wind had blown away all the snow, so that all that remained was blue ice. A blast of wind came and pushed the whole sled 20 meters, until coming to a complete stop in a snow bank. I hit the ground really hard. I may have broken a rib bone, he says.
Photo: Fredrik Ljone Holst
He says he is not the only one who felt the wind. Inger-Marie Haaland’s dogs had stopped and she got to “test” her bivy sack, he says. Birgitte Næss Wærner was also at a stand-still. - I let her tag along on one condition: that she did not pass me, smiled Johannessen.
But Birgitte could not keep up with the express from Dagali. Ralph Johannessen left Sirbma 15 minutes after Næss Wærner, but passed her going over the mountains. According to the GPS-tracking, she is more than one hour behind him.
With the time allotted for rest mainly decided by fact that the mandatory 10-hours has to be taken out in Levajok and/or Karasjok, it is not unlikely that the top three teams going into Levajok will be the three on the podium in Alta at some point Friday.