Written by: Fredrik Ljone Holst
Date: 11.03.2015 16:00
Sigrid Ekran arrived in Varangerbotn in sovereign lead as much as when she arrived at Neiden. Even though this tightens her grip on the victory, she claims not to have a strategy for how to keep the other teams behind her.
Sigrid Ekran arriving at Varangerbotn. Photo: Steinar Vik
- I don't pay too much attention to how the other teams are doing. I run my race, and they run theirs, she says. And when running her own race, the dogs' welfare comes first. - It is all about caring for them. In reality this is a World Championship in dog care, Sigrid argues.
At Varangerbotn she will drop one dog. She has had a record-high number of 13 dogs with her so far in the race, but one will be dropped here. On the way to Sirbma she will thus have 12 dogs ahead of her sled.
Sigrid Ekran collecting straw for her dogs at cp Varangerbotn. Photo: Fredrik Ljone Holst
- He has eaten some straw, so that might irritate his bowel, she explains, though she says he does not know why he has helped himself to it. She says her team does not run fastest, but they run well-paced. The trip from Neiden has been nice, she says, with sunshine and Easter-like conditions.
- It is almost too lovely, because it's a bit too warm for the dogs, she says. That argument has also been pointed out by other mushers in the mild March weather in Finnmark.