Written by: Fredrik Ljone Holst
Date: 10.03.2015 18:51
Sigrid Ekran got the honour of inaugurating the new wilderness check point Ellentjern, when she arrived there as first team in tonight.
- It is great to finally get here. I have not looked around much since I got here, but it seems really nice, she says. At the new check point, dusk is approaching.
Sigrid Ekran arrived first at Ellentjern. Photo:Øyvind Nordahl Næss
Sigrid still has all 14 dogs with her when she's almost half way through the race. She is considering dropping one dog before moving on towards Neiden. - He stiffened a bit in the end of this leg. I would have loved to bring him further along, so I will see if I can massage it away, Sigrid said.
Ralph Johannessen and May-Conny Johansen sharing their resources at cp Ellentjern. Photo:Øyvind Nordahl Næss
The sun was shining on most of the leg from Kirkenes to Ellentjern, so she took a good break on-trail to feed and water the dogs along the way. When asked about how long she intends to stay, she just responds that the dogs "need to get a good rest".
The dogs' need for rest was also decisive for where she chose to take her mandatory 16-hour rest, which was in Neiden. - I took it where they seemed to need it, Sigrid Ekran says.
Birgitte Næss Wærner checking in at cp Ellentjern, where Arne Liaklev makes the registration. Photo:Øyvind Nordahl Næss