FL-1000: Ronny Frydenlund leads out from Kirkenes

Written by: Fredrik Ljone Holst
Photo: Dmitry Sharomov
Date: 10.03.2015 11:25

While Harald Tunheim was still sleeping, the mushers who had taken their long rest in Neiden started arriving at Kirkenes. There is still a very close race in the lead pack; Ronny Frydenlund was in the lead when the seven first arrived during 30 minutes in the early morning hours.

Ronny was also in the lead out from Kirkenes. After resting for four hours, he left the check point just before 9 a.m. That gives him just over two hours' lead to Harald Tunheim, who will not end his mandatory 16-hour rest until 10:40, at which point he can mush on.

Checkpoint Kirkenes. Photo: Webkamera Kirkenes

Different strategies
Both mushers say the race has gone according to oplan so far, though they have chosen very different strategies. While Harald's team runs fast and he waits with the long rest, Ronny chose to rest early and has kept a significantly lower speed.

- The trails are fast, but I slow down and run a low-pulse race. I rest along the way when the dogs need it, and I stop on-trail to provide them with water, snacks, and to make sure they are all right, says Ronny.

With both mushers having taken out their 16-hour mandatory long rest, they are now almost even. The next legs - and days - will give us plenty of excitement when trying to find out who benefits the most from the choices they have made so far.

A new leg and a new check point in the Pasvik area now awaits both dog and mushers. Above: Roy Åge Ugseth on Monday. Foto: Dmitry Sharomov

Fun while mushing

One dog will be dropped in Kirkenes when Ronny starts on the 115 kilometres towards Ellentjern in Pasvik. This means that he will have 12 dogs with him along the trail, which is partially new and brings him to a brand new check point. - It will be fun, he says about the coming day in the 'office'. He will have the sun facing him when mushing southwards in Pasvik.

No stress at all

Just over an hour after Ronny's leaving, Harald is well on his way with the preparations. Asked whether the two-hour gap up to Ronny in the lead is according to his plan, he laughs. - I don't let that stress me. 

He has kept high speed in his team so far, and so he might be able to gain some time over the next few hours taking him to Ellentjern. 

Harald Tunheim leaving cp Kirkenes. Photo: Fredrik Ljone Holst

15 minutes before Harald's exit time, Yngve Fagerli left. He had taken his 16-horu rest as early as in Tana. There are thus three different strategies among the mushers that have left Kirkenes during the first two hours.

Yngve Fagerli leaving cp Kirkenes. Photo: Fredrik Ljone Holst