FL-500: Live report from the trail manager

Written by: Karoline Leistad-Jonas and Hanne Rosenberg
Date: 08.03.2015 21:38

Magne Johansen has been a trail breaker for the Finnmark Race for 28 years. No wonder he's the most experienced trail breaker we've got. He has spent miles and miles on the trail through these years, and he has accumulated unique competence on how the trails should be.

Before he and Knut Nilsen, who is a rookie in this context, started the leg from Levajok to Skoganvarre, he agreed to call us to report if possible. Down at Levajok there is some wind, and so there has been some excitement regarding the conditions in the mountains.

- There are great conditions; northern lights and wind, but no jib snow. There was some jib for the first 6-7 kilometres after cp Levajok, but after that there were firm trails and crust. That will not cause problems with the overview, he says after finishing his mountain ride on the snowmobile.