FL-500: Chasing Edland

Skrevet av: Karoline Leistad-Jonas and Markus Leistad
Foto: Steinar Vik
Dato: 08.03.2015 20:34

Elisabeth Edland left cp Levajok at 19:40. From here onwards it's simple: Whoever is first on the trail, also leads the race.

When she left there was heavy wind blowing at Levajok. According to trail reports there is some wind and ice crust across the mountains, but with good view. - I only focus on myself and on getting to Skoganvarre, Edland said. She had no time to lose when leaving and was clearly focused. - I am not looking forward to the next leg, however, I don't think there is anyone who does, she said before leaving into the dark.

Edland ready to leave cp Levajok  
Photo: Steinar Vik

The next musher to hit the trail was Hilde Askildt, who started out at 20:09. Before leaving she told us she has struggled with flu. The wind has also troubled her. - Poor trails are okay as long as there isn't a storm raging. I hope we'll get the wind in our backs, Askildt said. - Both I and my team have had a great race, and we're fine. As long as the dogs are fine, we are fine too, she smiles. She still has a fair chance at beating Edland in the competition.

Hilde Askildt signing out form cp Levajok.
Photo: Steinar Vik

Radek Havrda from the Czech Republic started out immediately after Askildt at 20:10. We spoke with his handler while Havrda was getting ready. - Radek fears the wind and hopes it will not be as rough as on the leg up to Jotka, says the handler. - He is used to mushing in hte mountains, and we hope he can draw on that experience.

Ole Wingren was to set out two minutes after Askildt, however, he chose to scratch from the race.

A stronger wind, possibly soft trails and steep hills on the next leg may turn into a combined x-factor during the race. Soft trails often helps distinguish between the mushers than otherwise good conditions will do.

Ole Wingren, one of the FL-500 favourites, sadly had to scratch at Levajok.
Photo: Karoline Leistad-Jonas