Written by: Ole Martin Jøraholmen
Photo: Geir Stian Altmann Larsen
Date: 08.03.2014 13:13
The Meteorological Institute of Norway has announced a notice predicting extreme weather for Finnmark, and expects full storm across the whole county.
- A powerful storm centre lies outside of Troms around midday today, and will move northeast during the afternoon, reports meteorologist Gunnar Noer.
He predicts a crisp journey for the mushers across the mountains, with local winds reaching 40 m/s.
- The winds are rapidly moving north, and we expect the storm to arrive this afternoon. Large amounts of rain or snow follow with the heavy winds, warns Noer.
The weather has caused trouble for the organisers before the race even started. Two months of infuriated winter weather is now appearing in the event of one night. New to this years race is that all mushers in FL-1000 have to take a three-hour rest at checkpoint Skoganvarre. That means the first teams will risk heading straight into the storm when heading to Levajok, as they according to plan leave Skoganvarre on Saturday evening.
The winds are expected to decrease Sunday around midday.
THE DEEP BREATH BEFORE THE STORM: The sun is shining at the arena, only hours before the extreme weather is predicted. Photographer: Geir Stian A. Larsen