FL-1000: Who is Thomas Wærner?

Fra sprint til langdistansearrangør.

Skrevet av: Tine Johansen/ transl. Elisabeth Simonsen
Dato: 15.03.2013 08:18

Thomas Werner is 40 years old, and lives by Synnfjell in Oppland. He is married to Birgitte Wærner (38), another a well-known named within musher circles, with a third place in Finnmarksløpet 2011. Together they run the kennel “Berserkkennel”. 

Happy and cheerful Wærner at this year's Finnmarksløp. Photo: Therese Norman Andersen

Thomas and Birgitte have two children, both boys, at 3,5 and ten years of age. This makes it a little complicated to “just pick up and move” across the world, but their dream is to live in Alaska for one year, and race in Iditarod. They have both been in Alaska previously, getting prizes in sprint racing, but they are no strangers to the Nordic style, which they also have done. Wærner has no first places in long distance racing previously. 

Thomas Wærner in the lead towards Karasjok  Photo: Therese Norman Andersen

Today Thomas is a dedicated long distance musher, but there are also some other dogs in their household. No less than four whippets and a borzoi, lives indoors, but their kennel with 60 dogs consists of Alaskan Huskies. Birgitte also does western style riding, so naturally they have a horse and a pony as well.

Thomas feeding at Skoganvarre. Photo: Kim F.O. Nordsveen

Thomas Wærner started a new race this season.” Mush Synnfjell” had a waiting list before the sign up time had expired. This is a race where absolutely everything you need have to be in the sleigh from the start. And the start is a single gunshot, while the mushers are in their sleeping bags, the dogs still on their chain and the sleigh is unpacked. The purpose of this race is to get back to the original dog sled racing.

Thomas Wærner and Inger-Marie Haaland have competed for the title in Finnmarksløpet this year. Photo: Therese Norman Andersen

So who is Thomas Wærner really? Did we mention that he is an electrician and runs his own business? That he and Birgitte actively breed sled dogs? That he is a funny, talkative and pleasant man? There is probably no right answer, but we can all agree that he is a talented musher, with work ability and winning spirit. And now he is also the winner of Finnmarksløpet 2013.   

