Per Weddegjerde koser seg i sporet.
Written by: Tine Johansen/ transl. Elisabeth Simonsen
Photo: Kim F.O. Nordsveen
Date: 12.03.2013 19:16
Per Weddegjerde is not one to complain over ice in his mustache. He has just gotten in to checkpoint Kirkenes, and is putting covers on the dogs. Massage and cuddles are generously shared. All over, he is satisfied with this last leg.
-This has been one of the best legs so far, but it might be a bit longer on the way back to Neiden 2. We might have to take it slow, it is a bit cold. We will check the weather report, and how the dogs eat. Then I’ll run based on that
Inka gets her cover. Photo: Kim F.O. Nordsveen
Per is smiling and continuing his work. Messy hair and iced beard gives of an impression that he is a wild, but friendly mountaineer. –I get tired as soon as the race starts, but now I feel good and sleep as much as possible. The dogs aren’t tired at all, they had some stomach trouble, but now that is pretty much okay as well. I haven’t gotten diarrhea myself, but it makes no difference if the musher gets it, rather the musher than the dogs in my opinion.
Rotuma checked by the vet. Photo: Kim F.O. Nordsveen
He goes back to get more covers, while he explains how he has had a trouble free race so far. With twelve dogs still on the team, he believes it will continue that way. –The only thing is the weather. It was hard between Skoganvarre and Levajok with heavy snow. The dogs probably felt the hard work. It is nice weather now, but light snow moves fast, and when it whisks you in the face the entire time it is tiring. But we just got a full veterinarian check here in Kirkenes, and they had no remarks for any of the dogs. Only, the old lady here needs a little massage. Now we are going to rest here for five or six hours, and both young and old are resting well. The old lady has run Finnmarksløpet five times now, and is a good soldier. Good soldiers know to rest. But also the younger dogs are laying down to sleep as soon as thing quiet down, even if we are in the middle of town.
Massey Ferguson, is she living up to her name? Photo: Kim F.O. Nordsveen
Per is petting one of his anchor dogs, while putting one the last cover. –This is Massey Ferguson. She is named after a darn good tractor. And she runs just like one, is says with a wide grin