Skrevet av: Stefan Sanne
Dato: 12.03.2004 10:06
9:03,Skoganvarre: Trond Ørslien comes in and looks the exact opposite of Roger Dahl. While Dahl seemed energetic and fit for fight, Ørslien looked depressed when he talked to the Finnmarkslopet officials. He told us that he had been mushing large parts of the stage together with Roger Dahl.
But then he started having trouble with 2 dogs and lost according to his own calculations at least half an hour because of that. - This is especially irritating because the legg started out so nicely, said Ørslien, who probably meant his restart after leaving another dog at the previous checkpoint.
Trond Ørslien came into Skoganvarre more than half an hour after Dahl, who had started 40 minutes after him. He also lost 24 minutes to Ralph Johannessen. This shows that it will be extremely difficult for him to gather the necessary strength to catch up and claim a spot in the top three.