FL-500: Ørnen Ørnulf has arrived!

Written by: Tor Mikkelsen / Transl. Liliana Monteiro
Photo: Tor Mikkelsen
Date: 12.03.2013 09:00

After spending 6 hours by the Alta River when trying to go towards the finish line and seen a lot of cans passing by him, Ørnulf Jacobsen (49) drove to the finish line. This picture of the teacher from Hasvik in Sørøya was in great shape and fantastic mood. He has started the finnmarksløpet for four times in the past, and the last time was as far back as 1991! In the recent years, he has been training dogs for others mushers, but there is yet desire in him to participate again in the race. For his 50th birthday, this was the biggest gift he could ever want. There was his participation in FL-500, together with the mushing leaders, Arek Kayza, Aragon and Minnie.


Ørnulf Jacobsen was warmly welcomed by his fanclub  Photo: Tor Mikkelsen

Ørnulf told Finnmarkslopet.no that he would give himself that gift no matter what, and also expressed how impressed he was with his phenomenal dogs which managed to pull 140-pounds of fat“around the track. It was never important to control how long time it would take, the most important was to have a great time with proper rest. The question "How do you feel now?" feels yet hard to answer; he simply points to the dogs with a tear of happiness and satisfaction in the corner of his eye. After giving a hug to his dogs, we managed to get a little bit more out of him:-I would have at least two bonfires, we should enjoy ourselves all the time, handlers would get minimal sleep and our most important aim was to get to the finish line. All this we managed to accomplish!