She is proud of her dogs.
Skrevet av: Tine Johansen / Transl. Liliana Monteiro
Foto: Kim F.O. Nordsveen
Dato: 11.03.2013 19:15
Kristine Jerijærvi stands at the checkpoint caring for the dogs. The cooker is now working, and all dogs are lounging on their straw while they observe their leader, who is trying to work quickly to save time. She is used to do it, and despite this mad rush, the girl is in a good mood yet, and so are the dogs. Villmarkingen from Neiden is in good mood after successfully completing the arduous third leg from Levajok.
A good dog grooming is important. Photo:Kim F.O. Nordsveen
- This final leg was a little tiresome, we've had bad weather. The dogs keep going anyway, so there we go no matter what, but for the musher it becomes a bit eerie to stand on the sled in this long run. It is also heavier for the dogs when having harder tracks. However, I have the superconductor Canis which overcomes all the little problems that might come to our way!
She continues to arrange bowls and snacking while she speaks, it is obvious that she is efficient and likes what she's up to. -This year the goal is to get to the finish line with the greatest number of dogs possible. I've put one out because of some respiratory problems, I take no risks. And then give to the handlers something to do! I will put another one out, my dog Peter, which is right behind here. He has got a wound that fluids and a stiff shoulder. But he's old, so it's probably a bit of stiffness, nothing to blame for it is almost ten years old. Now I'll just get some food in me, and I'll try to get out as quickly as possible. Dogs go fast enough at the moment, now that we will soon be home in Neiden.