FL-1000: Super-dog Canis shows the way in the storm

Godt fornøyd med hundene

Skrevet av: Tine Johansen/Anne-Mette Bjøru (transl.)
Foto: Kim F.O. Nordsveen
Dato: 11.03.2013 19:15

Kristine Jerijærvi is handling her dogs at the checkpoint. The cooker is boiling and the dogs are relaxing on the hay while they watch their musher who works fast, and dances some steps while checking the dogs' movement. She ususally does, because this girl is always happy. The wild one from Neiden is still in a good mood after the tough leg from Levajok. 

Caring for the dogs is important.  Photo: Kim F.O. Nordsveen 

- The last leg was quite tough, the weather has been bad. The dogs still go on so it does not really matter for them, but it becomes a bit hard for the musher to stand on the sled for so long. It also becomes harder for the dogs with heavy trails. But I have super lead-dog Canis, so it is never a problem to move forward! 

She continues fixing bowls of food and snacking while talking, it is clear that she is efficient and likes what she is doing. - This year the goal is to cross the finish line with as many dogs as possible. I have taken out one due to respiratory problems, I will not take any chances. And then the handlers get soemthing to do as well! I might take out one more, Tore, the big one back there. He has a sore and an aching shoulder. But he is old, soon ten years old, so that is probably the reason. Now I am going to eat something and get back on the trails as quickly as possible. The dogs will go fast now that we are close to home, Neiden.