Fjestad's insights:

Written by: Stein HÃ¥vard Fjestad transl. Hans Ole Sandring
Date: 16.03.2012 17:16

Conserning the death of two dogs in Finnmarksløpet

When I was a kid we had horses on our farm. My father loved the horses, and they loved him. Once a horse ran wild when we ploughed our hayfield and it got so exhausted that it died. The hawk killed some of the hens on the farmyard now and then. Our farm watchdog was a specialist in catching cats, and it has many lives on its conscience. All this animals I have mentioned had a nice life in freedom. Some of them ended their lives in a brutal way, but life can be brutal. Many people have distanced themselves from this, and they are not in touch with reality. I have also experienced that one sledge dog has died during a race. It hurts, it really hurts. One day I will die too. In the meantime, I will do the very best to take care of myself and my animals.

- Stein Håvard