-Next year I choose Malta, not Alta, Sørlie says with a twinkle in his eye
Skrevet av: Ole Martin Jøraholmen/Mina Sveen transl. Hans Ole
Foto: Gunnar Oustad
Dato: 16.03.2012 16:09
Robert Sørlie (54) from Hurdal didn`t manage to catch up with the lead, but he finished on third place. He drove well the first kilometers from Karasjok and for a long time he approached Tunheim, but the distance between them seemed being too long.
Next year I will choose Malta rather than Alta, Sørlie said when he finished. But we suspect that it won’t be too long until he change his mind. He has raced in bad snow conditions before, and mentioned one year he experienced eighty kilometers with soft snow in the trail. –You quickly forget, says Sørlie. And we suspect that this year isn`t any exception.
The margins were not on my side, says Sørlie. He emphasizes the fantastic effort his dogs have made.
Sørlie has been number three since the checkpoint in Sirbma, and he approached the lead on the next distances. When Haaland and Tunheim passed Ravnastua did Sørlie make a thrust, and shortened the diststance to the lead.
After passing Lesjavri (Hundevidda) and Øvre Mollisjok the speed decreased. Still, he maintained the same speed of both Haaland and Tunheim.