Come celebrate in the main street at 13.30 and cheer for this year's winner of FL 2012.
Written by: Hanne Rosenberg/transl. Elisabeth Simonsen
Photo: Monca Goin
Date: 16.03.2012 11:17
Many sporting events can set a schedule as to when things will happen. For Finnmarksløpet the only thing that can be set is the start. Everything happening in the trail and on the checkpoints is decided by many factors and leaves us with approximate calculations.
Finnmarksløpet recommend that you follow the GPS-tracking which shows the mushers’ position at all times.
-It is one of the elements that make working with Finnmarksløpet exciting. The unpredictability until the last dog has crossed the finish line is also a challenge for the organizers, especially when we are going to encourage people to come see the finish, says veteran volunteer Tor Mikkelsen in the press center.
Come to the main street at 13:15 to see the finish, Tor says before he continues his work in the press center.