Nice conditions in the mountains

Skrevet av: Ole Martin Jøraholmen transl. Hans Ole Sandring
Dato: 16.03.2012 03:44

Jørn Losvar reports from the trail, and he tells that Tunheim and Haaland keeps their positions and runs with the same tempo. The snow condition in the trail are very nice and won`t cause any troubles on the teams of dogs. In the mountains they can expect a winter wonder land, says Losvar. The temperature is comportable, some fresh snow and wind from the south.

At 05.06 Losvar observed Haaland and Tunheim when they passed Ravnastua. They are still running with the same tempo, but they should watch out for Robert Sørli coming from behind. He was observed 05.30, and then he had six kilometrers left until Ravnastua. The gap between him and the two in front is no longer that big, and he runs faster than the two in front. From the binoculars it looks like Robert is fit and has a good mood.