FL-1000: Slow going

Robert Sørlie ankom sjekkpunkt Sirbma kl. 18.25. Han har da brukt 17 minutter mer enn Inger Marie Haaland og 12 mer enn Harald Tunheim fra Vrangerbotn.

Skrevet av: Anki Ødegaard/transl. Elisabeth Simonsen
Foto: Anki Ødegaard
Dato: 14.03.2012 20:51

The first thing he does after arriving is to leave three dogs behind. They haven’t pulled much on the trip from Varangerbotn. Sørlie admits it has been another though leg in this year’s FL-1000. Warm weather and slightly unmotivated dogs are the main cause. They are just tired after two hard legs with stormy weather and a lot of snow. But he is not unpromising – This leaves a lot more hay for the rest of the dogs, he smiles.

This might indicate that Sørlie is not the main challenger to leading Haaland. But there is still almost 300 kilometers left. It’s not over till it’s over.