En av Katy Meiers motivasjonsfaktorer for å jobbe bak sleden mot mål er noe uventet.
Written by: Hanne Rosenberg/transl. Elisabeth Simonsen
Photo: Hanne Rosenberg
Date: 14.03.2012 15:38
Mushers working for hours behind the sled , pedaling, running, motivating, and caring for dogs at the checkpoints often find something to look forward to when they reach the finish line.
We wanted to find out what was Katy’s motivation during the race.
After Katy Meier crossed the finish line we asked her about motivating factors in her race scheme.
We quickly noticed a bar of chocolate on her sled, and noticed that she had more attention directed towards the chocolate than towards us.
-This chocolate is my most important motivation when I am working behind the sled during a dog race. This is actually the best thing I know, and when it gets though out there – when I am tired and have to dig deep to find motivation, this is what I think about.
Boyfriend and handler Jörg knows this, and never serves her this chocolate at the checkpoints.
-It is an intentional choice from our side in the race strategy. In the strategy this chocolate is reserved only for the finish, never on a checkpoint. An easy mean of motivation, but it works – I did win! Katy says before she happily unwraps the chocolate bar.
Mmmmmm.......... Planlagt nytelse. Foto: Hanne Rosenberg.
Vi ble stående noe forundret igjen. Det finnes jo mange vinneroppskrifter utviklet av idrettspsykologer og vi tenkte oss vel et mer innviklet svar med en lengre utgreiing om temaet.
For Katy er det denne enkle oppskriften som gjelder. Det hører med til historien at Meier ikke er sponset av sjokoladefabrikanten!
Som en overraskende belønning fikk Katy etter målgang en idrettsmassasje hos City Hud og Aromaterapi.
Mmmmmm.......... Overraskende nytelse. Foto: City Hud- og Aromaterapi.