FL-1000: Steady Course

Surprising GPS-tracker positions are no reason for concern.

Skrevet av: Mina Sveen /transl. Pål Bleka
Foto: Kjell O. Brun
Dato: 14.03.2012 15:29

This morning some of our users were worried that it seemed like a few mushers were heading straight towards the sea. According to the GPS-trackers they were approaching the coastline, but concerned users don’t need to worry. The GPS-trackers depend on the mobile network service. In areas where the coverage is scarce, updates will be less frequent or give false information, like between Neiden – Varangerbotn.

The mushers have been on the trail at all times, and everything is ok. And when we are aware of this, it just makes it more exciting that we don’t know where the mushers are at all times.