FL-1000: Had a great time, after all

Only 6 minutes seperated Robert Sørlie and Harald Tunheim to the checkpoint Neiden 2. An average speed of 10,6 kilometres per hour showes how rough the conditions were.

Skrevet av: Anki Ødegaard transl. Hans Ole Sandring
Foto: Jørn Losvar
Dato: 13.03.2012 19:31


It`s been a tough journey. Heavy wind and snow drift in the mountains. Long distances without any sign of the trail. Whiteout!  Taken these weather conditions, I think the trip went quite well. Sørlie think it`s all right with some rough weather. They can`t compete on rails and sunshine every day. Finnmarksløpet is challenging and you should be able to cope with all kind of weather conditions. Robert Sørlie lost half an hour when he made a mistake choosing the wrong trail.

But he feels sorry for his competitors following him in the trail, tired due to lack of rest in Kirkenes. They can expect a tough leg because of the weather conditions. He was asked if Inger Marie Haaland was clever when she yesterday night left Kirkenes. –Well, off course you had to ask me about that, he said and laughs. Today, everyone can agree that Team Haaland/Johannessen made a home run. Haaland got several hours with nice trails and high speed before the drifting snow caught up with her this morning. Because of that, she has used less energy on the leg than the boys hunting her from behind. 

Harald Tunheim confirms Sørlies weather report on the way from Kirkenes. He only saw the poles marking the trail in the rough weather.