FL-500: The champions were celebrated!

Written by: Tine Klevstad transl. Hans Ole Sandring
Date: 13.03.2012 19:13

On the picture: Ole Wingren secound place, Katy Meier first place and Leif Wilhelmsen third place in FL-500.

Together with her lead dog, Katy Meier finally thrones on the podium- dressed “luhka”, a gift she was given as the first musher arriving Jergul. Included a cash prize on 28.ooo NOK, she got a SUV from Polaris (Sportsman 500 efi EU tractor worth 85.000 NOK sponsored by Polaris.   

A proud man, Leif Wilhelmsen, stepped on the top of the podium as a Norwegian Champion 2012 in 8-dog team. He was given a gold medal given from the Norwegian Sled-dog Association.

Vidar Uglebakken from Alta was given a sledge from Oinakka and a cash award on 10.000 NOK as the best rookie of the year.

We congratulate the admirable performances!!

All photos: Geir Stian Altmann Larsen