Da Inger Marie Haaland dro fra Kirkenes lot vihenne bare gjøre det. Så i dag er det muligheter for å få snakket med flere kjørere i Kirkenes. Flytte fokus litt.
Skrevet av: Anki Ødegaard /trans. Elisabeth Simonsen
Foto: Anki Ødegaard
Dato: 13.03.2012 12:04
Two mushers came in to the Paviljongparken in Kirkenes at 09.15; Tore Bergby followed by Stine Berget Nordvik. They left Neiden a minute a part, and have held the same speed on this leg.
Tore Bergby is in a great mood when he is working with dog paws and algeval (ointment). He is happy with the leg, run time: 5 hours and 25 minutes. The tracks were good and the temperature nice. He had 14 dogs with him in to Kirkenes, and is very pleased with that. The winner of FL-1000 in 2007 has no ambitions getting the top spot this year. He has a relatively inexperienced dog-team. But to move up in field, he might see happening.
Tore Bergby enjoying his time in Kirkenes
Stine Berget Nordvik is participating in FL-1000 for the first time. She is also pleased with tonight’s leg. Her ambition is to “just” finish the race with as many dogs as possible. Nordvik is a young and very promising musher. You of course need experience, on how to handle a team of 14 dogs in a competition for instance. This is the first time she is in the tracks with 14 dogs in front of her sled. She thinks the line is a little long, and wonders if she might leave two dogs in Kirkenes. A 12- dog team is easier to handle.
Is Stine B Nordvik leaving you in Kirkenes?