FL-1000: Rush Hour in Kirkenes

Many teams are coming in to Kirkenes this morning, at the same time Sørlie and Tunheim completes their 16-hour rest and are leaving. This creates rush hour in Kirkens.

Written by: Anki Ødegaard/Transl. SM Arctander
Photo: Anki Ødegaard
Date: 13.03.2012 08:38

Some of the mushers who rested 16 hours at Neiden 1 are just passing through Kirkenes.

The fastest musher on the leg to Kirkenes was Thomas Wærner with 5 hours and 7 minutes.

Thomas Wærner

Arne Karlstrøm drove through without resting. He thought it was too early after the 16-hour rest. – I’ve got some new coats I’d like to test, he laughs. His wife and World Champion Marianne Skjøthaug said he is on schedule.

Marianne Skjøthaug and Arne Karlstrøm

Nina Skramstad is happy with her leg. The time 5.21 is ok. Her challenge at the moment is a bitch in heat.

Nina Skramstad

Robert Sørlie left on time, ready to take on Inger Marie Haaland who left last night.
Robert  Sørlie