FL-1000: Not catching up

The race is not half way finished, but there is an emerging power struggle between Harald Tunheim and Robert Sørlie. Tunheim have won the race five times, and Sørlie have finished first three times. They are hardcore mushers.

Skrevet av: Anki Ødegaard
Foto: Anki Ødegaard
Dato: 12.03.2012 15:15

Tunheim arrived at checkpoint Kirkenes at 2:21. This means that he had not managed to catch up on Robert Sørlie from Neiden, in spite of resting there for 3 hours and 20 minutes. Sørlie was 9 minutes faster to Kirkenes. When accepting a gift from the Mayor of Kirkenes, Harald Tunheim was asked if his journey had gone well. − Yes, I’m here and it’s just Monday, Tunheim replied cheerfully. He also said that a camera team covering the hillside probably would have produced a lot of funny clips. That could be something to show on the banquet in Alta?

Tunheim is looking forward to resting in Kirkenes, and admits that the dogs need it too.

Harald Tunheim also got a gift from Mayor Cecilie Hansen