Nina Skramstad hands out treats after a leg where many have struggled in soft tracks.
Written by: Mina Sveen/transl. Elisabeth Simonsen
Photo: Mina Sveen
Date: 12.03.2012 12:06
Nina Skramstad offers treats, because breakfast in bed is what it takes after a warm and tiring leg from Tana. At Neiden 1 Skramstad is quite satisfied, and is continuing with all her dogs.
Thomas Werner has a visit from the veterinarian, and has decided to leave Mevlin, one of his lead dogs, in Neiden. It’s a large male dog who has been a passenger for most of the leg; he is stiff and needs rest. – The soft tracks makes it difficult for them, says Werner who thinks the rookies will struggle. He remembers 2007, when the trail was soft, and he was a terribly tired rookie. One man is completely free of concern for the soft tracks:
Tom Frode Johansen from Troms has the biggest smile of the day, and says he has not thought about the soft tracks at all today. –The tracks were I practice for the race is a lot softer, he says. He is happy with the result of the leg: - This is far better than what I expected, he says. He has completed the leg Tana – Neiden 1 in 7hours and 30 minutes, only a half hour more than Sørlie and Haaland. Johansen had all his dogs in to Neiden1, but is leaving one here.
All photos: Mina Sveen
Nina Skramstad is not cheap with the salmon.