Alf Thrane, responsible for arena and logistics, and leader Svanhild Pedersen are happy and relieved after this year’s start.
Skrevet av: Hanne Rosenberg /trans. Elisabeth Simonsen
Foto: Tor Mikkelsen
Dato: 10.03.2012 17:10
It is quiet in the main street now, after the big celebration at the start of this year’s race. Several thousand came to cheer for the mushers and of course the dogs – who are the heroes of this competition.
Alf Thane, who is responsible for arena and logistics, expresses great joy and relief as things quiet down this afternoon.
-I’m a “rookie” in this role in Finnmarksløpet and I have to admit it’s been a lot of work with the preparations and a lot of excitement connected to this day. I have been Tor Erling Langjord’s trainee for two years, but this year I have stood on my own two feet. Working with Finnmarksløpet makes you hooked.
How many volunteers have been working for you today?
-I’ve had about 90 people working with just the logistics of getting every dog team to the starting line, road guards and guards in the main street. I have also had ten people riding four-wheelers to handle the dog teams to the start arena. Among the volunteers are 40 students from Øytun folk high school and 18 students from 69 ° North. The rest of the crew is recruited from the local population. I am incredibly grateful for the job these people have done today. Now I’m tired - but happy! Thrane finishes.
Leader of Finnmarksløpet AS Svanhil Pedersen is also a “rookie” in the role of leader. After the start she has had a moment to gather her thoughts after some hectic days leading up to the start this morning. – I have just one word to describe the start today; amazing! Alf and his crew have done a great job! I’m also relived and happy, and now we just have to focus on the rest of the race. It will be incredibly exciting!
Leader Svanhild Pedersen and arena and logistics responsible Alf Thrane