Bruin has been found

Finnmarksløpet kan melde at Robert Sørlie sin hund Bruin er nå funnet i god behold. Dette er selvfølgelig godt for Bruin og Robert . Dette er en skikkelig gladmelding som skapte jubel i blandt publikum under premieseremonien som Robert gikk glipp av. Han prioriterte selvfølglig å lete etter hunden sin.

Written by: Hanne Rosenberg/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Date: 19.03.2011 13:05

Finnmarksløpet reports that Robert Sørlie's dog Bruin who went missing, now is found and all is well. This is good news both for Robert and Bruin. It is such good news and it created a lot of cheering among the audience in the city centre when it was announced during the Prize Ceremony. Robert was not there to receive his prize as he, of course, prioritized to search for his dog.