Rookie of the year - FL-1000

Thomas Wærner (38) fra Torpa passerte målstreken kl 10:17 og ble derved "Rookie of the year" i denne klassen. Hans 5.plass i NM stpr det all respekt av etter et godt planlagt og gjennomført løp.

Written by: Hanne Rosenberg/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Photo: Sten Tony Hansen
Date: 18.03.2011 11:38

- I have raced according to my race schedule and the fifth place in the Norwegian Championship is merely a bonus. It has been a good experience for both the dogs and for me, says Thomas. Thomas passed the goal line with a big grin and stressed that this had been a great adventure. Thomas has noted in his registration profile that the race makes him feel that he is living. He definitely looked as he happy and alive when he crossed the finish line.