
Siden starten på løpet sist lørdag har været vist seg fra sin beste side. Det har vært mye sol, lite vind og sne. Det har heller ikke vært ekstremkulde Nå er det i ferd med å endre seg.

Written by: Hanne Rosenberg/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Date: 16.03.2011 20:58

At 20:00 o'clock tonight reports from Levajok say that it has become windy and the mushers are racing in head-winds on the river towards Levajok and Karasjok. This means that it might get tougher for the teams to keep up the speed. Tomorrow the teams leaving from Karasjok to Alta get hard winds from behind. For this leg the weather report is strong breeze to gale on the mountain plateau. There is no report of snow, but probably packed and tough trails. The challenge for the mushers will be to keep the teams on the track. In such conditions the lead dogs play an even more important role. These are conditions that the mushers are prepared for and have trained. They go through some of the training in bad weather thinking of the chance to get into weather like this during races. Sled-dog racing is definitely not an indoor sport.