Mikael Jacobsen er kun tyve år og kjører Finnmarksløpet for første gang. Tirsdag kveld kom han i mål som siste kjører i FL-500 - Last man standing!
Skrevet av: Niels Westphal/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Foto: Sten Tony Hansen
Dato: 15.03.2011 22:33
- Right now I do not know what I feel. I am just extremely happy, says Mikael.
The young man from Sørøya - north of Alta - is practically born on a dog sled, but 2011 was the first time he started in Finnmarksløpet. The race ended very differently than he had thought.
- Already at the second check point I had to leave a dog. The same happened at the next check point. Now at the end I had only three dogs that pulled. I have kicked for about 140 kilometers, says a tired Mikael.
A great achievement
Mikael was welcomed by many other mushers and a big audience. Everyone were impressed by the young man who managed to finish the race despite all the problems. A great achievement. His first wish when he crossed the finish line: a glass of water!